> Amplifiers
> Guitar Amplifiers
> ZVEX Amps

The ZVEX Nano and Imp Amps are probably the smallest tube amplifiers available on the market today, but the sound they deliver is nothing short of huge.
NANO AMP: This little marvel is a one-half watt (distorted) powerhouse that will surprise you with its apparent volume. Plug it into a 4X12 (or any 8 to 16 ohm speaker) and listen to it roar! This amp is voiced to deliver classic rock tone, with a very high level of crunch available if it's wanted. Just crank the volume knob around to the level of distortion you desire, from a very quiet (one tenth watt) clean mode to a micro-Marshall (TM) blast when cranked up. Undoubtedly the most toneful amp in its class!
IMP AMP: The iMP is a power amp intended for studio use, or with small sound sources such as iPods, mini-disc/cd players and laptops to power passive monitors. Perfect for your office or recording environment...you can put the iMP AMP right on your desk with bookshelf speakers and have a mini tube hi-fi setup for your iPod! Comes with AC Power Adaptor.
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